Organizational Development and Conflict Management Services --  It is vital to the success of a business that it have the correct internal structure, that managers and employees develop as people, and that conflict be present while turbulence is controlled.  Executives and managers are too close to the symptoms and often overlook the root causes of problems.  In serious cases, managers eliminate or suppress the symptom, which ultimately causes greater problems.   We help determine the cause of organizational conflict and work with management to resolve issues.

Conflict Management Services assists management in locating the underlying cause of conflict within the organization.  Conflicts naturally occur between groups with conflicting objectives, often occurs because the company has not adopted the correct organizational structure, may be the symptom of a more systemic problem, or can occur because of inappropriate management styles.   Using the wrong approach to conflict can downgrade the effectiveness of an organization while choosing the most appropriate method for managing conflict can unlock its potential.  Time-Slice will independently assist in determining the best method for getting your team focused and moving forward.


Groupthink Avoidance Seminar teaches about the most destructive cancer to invade the workplace.  Groupthink is undetectable to managers.  Time-Slice estimates that Groupthink is responsible for at least eighty-percent of today's business problems and must be diagnosed and treated in successful organizations.  Our one-day management seminar on the hazards of Groupthink, and our methods to eradicate it, are an eye opener to many experienced executives and mangers.